2019, a tailor-made vintage

2019, a tailor-made vintage

Vendemmia 2019

Stefano Chiarlo, head of the family business together with his brother Alberto and his father Michele, has issued the first report of a classic vintage, in the name of tradition: excellent artisan work in the vineyard, perfected lot by lot.

October 2019. Calamandrana – In Monferrato, at Michele Chiarlo’s winery in Calamandrana, all the grapes have arrived, while in the vineyard vine leaves shimmering in autumnal colors are all that remain, glistening and showing themselves off. The harvest period, which started with the moscato last 5 September, has continued until after mid-October, something that has not happened since 2010. Long intervals and gradual progression have allowed the people to work smoothly and without worries, just like during the most classic and traditional harvests.

Stefano Chiarlo

«From a quantitative point of view, it has definitely been a poorer harvest – about 20% less compared to last year – that has brought an important maturation homogeneity and grapes that are perfectly healthy » says Stefano Chiarlo, head of the family business together with his brother Alberto and his father Michele. Despite the hot months from mid-June until the end of September, timing has not been early and the plants have not suffered water stress, thanks to a couple of abundant rainfall in July.

Vineyard management has been fundamental: an operation consisting in the careful supervision of and attention to the technological and phonological maturation process. «Work in the vineyard is increasingly becoming tailored to the single vineyard: living it, maintaining close contact and always ready to implement targeted agronomic operations – states Stefano Chiarlo. This “tailor made” approach is shown not only by taking care of all the work in the vineyard in the best way possible, lot by lot, but also by carefully following each lot through the stages of growth, in order to achieve results that would reflect their characteristics while respecting their uniqueness. Just like a handmade dress that unveils, in the details, the professionalism and the attention exerted by its creator».

It is difficult to make predictions about the wines that this harvest will produce. It is certain that the Barbera will show its compelling elegance, anticipating great longevity, while the Nebbiolos, bearing good but not exaggerated gradations, will be excellent in quality. Yields are certainly lesser, but the wines will be delightful.